sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Love and tenderness.

-There will always be:
A LIE in beLIEve
An END in friENDs
An US in trUSt
An IF in lIFe

- Iubeste cu adevarat cel ce tremura cand iti marturiseste dragostea.
- Nu rupe firul unei prietenii, caci chiar daca il legi din nou, nodul ramane.
- Frumusetea reprezinta promisiunea fericirii.

And i promised myself that i will walk through him and i will say Hello, and I will love like i have never did it before and i will watch him like he was my sun all this time, and i will kiss him like he was the air, and then i will return like i haven;t done a thing. And then i will be sure that i fully expressed my love:x<3

Daca as putea as impacheta dragostea intr-un colet si l-as arunca pe fereastra!!!

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